
At Holywell Green Primary School we follow the National Curriculum. There is a programme of study for each year group, with associated content.

Each year group has an outline, long term plan for the year, and medium term plans for each term. Each half term, the class newsletters provide information for parents as to what will be taught in each year group for that period of time. These are available on the Classes tab.


Click here for the topic overview

Click here for the National Curriculum planning

Click here for the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework

Click here for the Foundation Stage Topic Overview


Curriculum Subjects

Reading is taught as a discrete subject as well as being integrated across the curriculum. 

Writing is taught as a discrete subject as well as being integrated across the curriculum. 

Maths is taught as a discrete subject as well as being integrated across the curriculum.

Science, Geography and History are taught through theme based topics.

Computing is taught as a specialist subject and skills are integrated across the curriculum.

Art, and Design and Technology are taught through special sessions each week.

RE is taught as a discrete subject but is integrated into topics when appropriate.

Spanish is taught as a specialist subject.

A specialist teacher is employed to deliver timetabled Music lessons once a week.

A PE coach is employed to deliver high quality lessons one day per week and runs after school clubs and competitions.


We deliver a curriculum that is responsive to the needs of the pupils and community we serve. All subjects take into account the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of our pupils.

Click here for our Values Statement

Click here for our Aims

Teaching Schemes

We aim to provide an education, so that the vast majority of children will have achieved age related expectations, as outlined in the National Curriculum programmes of study, by the end of each age related stage.

Schemes of work in use within the school for the National Curriculum core subjects are:


For our phonics teaching we use Little Wandle

For reading across the school we use Accelerated Reader


Individual Teacher enrichment materials

White Rose Maths Hub materials

Appropriate computer programs


Individual Teacher enrichment materials

Appropriate computing programs


Purple Mash

Staff continually evaluate other published materials and are committed to a policy of frequent review of their teaching resources.

Details of the programmes of study required are available in the National Curriculum.



As a school, we feel that it is essential that parents play an active role in educating their children. With this in mind, we endeavour to keep parents informed of the taught curriculum through termly parents’ evenings and half termly class newsletters which provide information on the curriculum to be covered each half term.

The core Curriculum subjects are Mathematics, English and Science. Other subjects studied are Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish), Design and Technology, History, Geography, Art, PE, Computing, Music, Drama. In addition schools must make provision for RE and Personal and Social Education.

We hope that parents will take every opportunity to play a part in their child’s learning and development.

All parents are provided with a Home School agreement when their child starts school and at the beginning of each academic year.

Phonics & Reading

Phonics at Holywell Green.pdf .pdf
Little-Wandle-Everybody-read-parents-presentation-April-2022-.pptx .pptx
LS-PowerPoint-for-parents-presentation-1 1.pptx .pptx
Programme-OverviewReception-and-Year-1-1.pdf .pdf
Everybody-read-leaflet-for-parents.pdf .pdf


At Holywell Green Primary School we follow the National Curriculum. There is a programme of study for each year group, with associated content.

Each year group has an outline, long term plan for the year, and medium term plans for each term. Each half term, the class newsletters provide information for parents as to what will be taught in each year group for that period of time. These are available on the Classes tab.


Click here for the topic overview

Click here for the National Curriculum planning

Click here for the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework

Click here for the Foundation Stage Topic Overview


Curriculum Subjects

Reading is taught as a discrete subject as well as being integrated across the curriculum. 

Writing is taught as a discrete subject as well as being integrated across the curriculum. 

Maths is taught as a discrete subject as well as being integrated across the curriculum.

Science, Geography and History are taught through theme based topics.

Computing is taught as a specialist subject and skills are integrated across the curriculum.

Art, and Design and Technology are taught through special sessions each week.

RE is taught as a discrete subject but is integrated into topics when appropriate.

Spanish is taught as a specialist subject.

A specialist teacher is employed to deliver timetabled Music lessons once a week.

A PE coach is employed to deliver high quality lessons one day per week and runs after school clubs and competitions.


We deliver a curriculum that is responsive to the needs of the pupils and community we serve. All subjects take into account the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of our pupils.

Click here for our Values Statement

Click here for our Aims

Teaching Schemes

We aim to provide an education, so that the vast majority of children will have achieved age related expectations, as outlined in the National Curriculum programmes of study, by the end of each age related stage.

Schemes of work in use within the school for the National Curriculum core subjects are:


For our phonics teaching we use Little Wandle

For reading across the school we use Accelerated Reader


Individual Teacher enrichment materials

White Rose Maths Hub materials

Appropriate computer programs


Individual Teacher enrichment materials

Appropriate computing programs


Purple Mash

Staff continually evaluate other published materials and are committed to a policy of frequent review of their teaching resources.

Details of the programmes of study required are available in the National Curriculum.



As a school, we feel that it is essential that parents play an active role in educating their children. With this in mind, we endeavour to keep parents informed of the taught curriculum through termly parents’ evenings and half termly class newsletters which provide information on the curriculum to be covered each half term.

The core Curriculum subjects are Mathematics, English and Science. Other subjects studied are Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish), Design and Technology, History, Geography, Art, PE, Computing, Music, Drama. In addition schools must make provision for RE and Personal and Social Education.

We hope that parents will take every opportunity to play a part in their child’s learning and development.

All parents are provided with a Home School agreement when their child starts school and at the beginning of each academic year.

Phonics & Reading

Phonics at Holywell Green.pdf .pdf
Little-Wandle-Everybody-read-parents-presentation-April-2022-.pptx .pptx
LS-PowerPoint-for-parents-presentation-1 1.pptx .pptx
Programme-OverviewReception-and-Year-1-1.pdf .pdf
Everybody-read-leaflet-for-parents.pdf .pdf