Pupil Premium/Disadvantaged Children

Pupil Premium is additional finance given to schools to help children who are considered more vulnerable to underachievement than others. This currently includes children in receipt of free school meals, now or at any time in the past 6 years; looked after children, adopted children and children of service families. 

At Holywell Green we aim to close the gap in terms of achievement and opportunity.

Schools have the freedom to spend the Pupil Premium in any way in which they consider to be the best means of supporting the raising of attainment for the children.

Click here to view our Pupil Premium Strategy 2024/5.


The range of provision made available by the school includes:-

  • 1-1 support during school time
  • small group work
  • additional teaching staff
  • support from the Pastoral Support Worker (PSW)
  • support for residential and other visits

The school monitors the impact and success of the provision that the money is allocated to. Progress targets are set for each child who is eligible for pupil premium and the rates of individual progress are monitored by class teachers and for each class by the senior staff. This is then reported to the Governors' Achievement & Well Being Committee by the Headteacher termly. The Governor responsible for Pupil Premium is Mr Francis Healey.